Do not be rash with your mouth, And let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in heaven, and you on earth; Therefore let your words be few.~Ecclesiasties 5:2
Silence is golden. It's a phrase we've all heard but few actually heed. Throughout the Old Testament we are told that the wise hold their words and think through what they have to say. The wise are not rash with their words.
We find five of the most powerful words at the end of 1 Samuel 10:26..."But he held his peace."
What if we all were to follow Saul's example? What if we all just took a breath before we spoke? How would our world be different?
Saul was a man appointed by God and Saul understood that God was in control. His rash and angry words would only worsen the situation. So Saul held his tongue like a true man of God.
This is not to say we are to hold our tongues when we witness wrongdoing or injustice. But our words should be spoken with prayerful consideration.
Lord, help me to hold my tongue and not speak rashly. Help to know that you are in control and my many words only show a lack of trust in you. Give me strength and patience as I attempt to walk in your light and on your path. Thank you God for all you have given me. Amen