Thursday, July 21, 2011

To Be Alone...

First let me say that I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world.  We have only been married for a few short months and since our wedding day we have spent all of our time together...literally.  There has not been a moment we've been apart. What about work you ask? Well, we even work together.  Yes, she is in another part of the building so I don't get to see her all day.  But when I get the chance I take a short break and go visit her to reenergize my soul.

And that leads me to tonight...

She recently signed up for a sewing class. I'm so proud of her because this is a whole new world in which she has very little experience. This is something she has wanted to do for a while and she is braving these new waters to learn something once unknown, and that is one of the many reasons why I love her so.

Her class last for four hours and as I type she is currently in hour four and I find myself lost.  I find myself longing for her presence, just to be able to look over and see her beautiful face sitting next to me. I find myself missing her voice and her laughter. I find myself missing knowing she is but a breath away from me.

How God has blessed me.

I am not deserving of this blessing but I pray that I am the man of God she needs and the leader of our family God has called me to be. Thank you Lord for such a woman that it hurts to miss, even for such a short period of time.

"Leave your hurting on the road behind you,
Let the wind go with you 'til the morning comes."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

To Circumcise or Not To Circumcise...Is It a Question? I've often wondered about circumcision.  I understand it is a sign of the covenant between God and Abraham, but I wonder if ol' Abe would have agreed so quickly if he knew.  I've also contemplated on why it had to be in this particular place...

As I read Genesis 17 with my wife last night (BlessedGirl)  she made a very intelligent, and God-enlightened, point.  She said, in so many words, that maybe God chose circumcision because the covenant with Abraham was about making him the father of countless descendants.  It would always be a reminder of God's promises and the fulfillment of those promises, and maybe that's why we continue to do it today, much to many babies chagrin...

Thank you for the image.

"I will establish My convenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you." ~Genesis 17:7

There are many now that state that circumcision is a pointless procedure and there aren't any real health benefits.  I've even heard many christians make this argument.  "We live in New Testament times and we are no longer bound by the old covenant."  

It would not hurt to remember the old covenant and the promises that God made to us.  That promise still stands today just as it stood with Abraham, God made that same promise to us.  I feel it is vital that we as christians continue to keep that covenant with God.  Circumcision is a symbol, a reminder that God promised to be our God and to give us many descendants to spread His word and the good news of Jesus to all nations.  Health issues aside, this is a covenant that should not be taken lightly and should not be so easily broken (vs. 14).

"Leave your hurting on the road behind you,
Let the wind go with you 'til the morning comes."