Sunday, February 20, 2011

Only Noah Was Left--Genesis 7

What sacrifices have to be made in order to follow God's directions and commands?

The answer to this question is different for everyone.  I guess the real question I'm asking is...

How many times has the idea of making sacrifices caused me to not follow God's directions?

Look at Noah's life.  He was livin' his life, talkin' to God, and then God lays down the boom.  "The end of all flesh has come before me...make for yourself and ark..." (Genesis 6:13f).  God gave a command and Noah followed.
     But what sacrifices did Noah have to make?

And then when the floods came Noah and his family climb aboard the ark while the rest of the world dies around them.  What kind of emotions must have they been growing through?  People they knew well, people they grew up with, people they called their friends all perishing right outside the door.  But they made those sacrifices because God commanded them too.

Am I willing?  Do I have it in me to sacrifice when God asks it of me? Can I hear the voice of God when He speaks? Can I make a complete fool of myself because I trust in what God has asked? ...

"Leave your hurting on the road behind you,
Let the wind go with you 'til the morning comes."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can You Hear?--Genesis 6

Okay...I know it's been a while.  But the main reason I'm struggling to write this post is due to the whole "God speaking" thing.  Through the first six chapters of Genesis we read about God speaking, and the tone of the writing suggests that God is speaking in an audible voice to His creation just like I would speak to you.

For many reasons this is simply blowing my mind.

In this chapter we find that all creation is filled with evil intent and unrighteousness.  God is pretty much starting over with the all races, human and animal alike.  And he still finds one to speak with...Noah.

As it happens Noah is the great-grandson of Enoch.  What a lineage!  Unfortunately Enoch was taken into heaven before Noah was born, but I'm sure, with it being such a close relation, that many of Enoch principles were also Noah's.  Noah was found righteous, and maybe because of his great-grandfather God saved the human race through him...
          and God spoke to Noah.

How many times have I said the statement, "If only God would speak in an audible voice it would be so much easier."  How totally wrong and backwards is that statement.  God speaks...will I listen?

God, please open my ears to hear your voice.  Speak to me through whatever channel you so choose and give me the faith and resolve to follow what you would ask of me.

What do you think?  How does God speak to you?  Do you take the time to listen?
twitter: @mjedallen  #ot2nt

"Leave your hurting on the road behind you,
Let the wind go with you 'til the morning comes."