Sunday, January 16, 2011

In the beginning... (Genesis 1-2)

Courtesy of Radical Reformation

This journey begins where all other journeys the beginning.

Looking at the creation account there are so many things one can glean from these 56 verses.  So many sermons, Sunday school lessons, and midnight Bible studies have used these two chapters as their subject matter.  Why?

I believe because this account, whether you believe it to be allegorical or factual, is the basis to who we know God to be.  He is the one who created what we know as our existence...our very life.  He is the one who was there at the beginning of time and the one who cares for us so much that he would give us other people to live out and share our lives with.

As I begin this journey from the Old Testament through the New Testament I pray that these two chapters give me a looking glass to see God through.  A litmus test to judge what I'm thinking was given to me by God or of my own conjuring.  If you have decided to join me in this journey I implore you to read these two chapters over several times before moving on and begin to understand the might and power that God possesses.  

(And yet he still cares for us as

This is a new step in my walk with God.  I have never read the Bible through from cover to cover.  And understand that it is not my goal to do this in a year, it is my goal to allow God to guide me through this reading and speak to me as He will.  If that means I only read two verses in one day...then that's what I do.

I hope you will join me on this journey and read with me.  Let's converse together through comments on this blog and on Twitter using #ot2nt to keep up with the conversation.  It is my prayer that this journey will bring me closer to God and, prayerfully, you also.

Goodnight and Godspeed

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